Wonder'Fall Original Painting
Wonder'Fall Original Painting
“Wonder’Fall” is a whopper at 120cm x 120cm
Here is my “Wisteria Wonder’Fall” Collection. Featuring the “Wonder’Fall” and “Lilac String of Lights” inspired by the spectacular wisteria my mum Marie grew around the trellis in tour old home. Mum would spend hours tending to it and encouraging this wonderful twisty piece of nature, truly inspirational.
See all the images for more details and sneak peeks of how the paintings come to life. Also, take a look at the garden furniture range that is created from these original paintings, a true delight.
I've added a photo with me in for scale, it's a whopper!
Sprayed Oil Painting using an air brush, finished with satin varnish.
Painted on a wood panel, ready to hang.
Approx Painting Size 120cm X 120cm x 5.5cm
Frameless as the sides look lovely.
Don't forget! check out the coordinating soft velvet cushions and garden furniture that are designed from this Painting.